Thursday, November 21, 2013

Moving In or Moving Out?

Whether you are moving in with your partner or moving out of your parent’s house, the thought of packing will make you feel both exciting and tiring. The packing will surely excite you because you will get to see some of your stuff that you haven’t seen or used for a while. Memories will be brought back and reminiscing would be hard to avoid! Kidding aside, packing will also make you feel tired. Just the thought of packing is already tiring; what more if you already have to do it! However, give it your best shot to try making your packing fun and easy. Consider these tips before you start the task:

  1. Make an inventory. Be sure to jot down all the things that you will need. Make your list detailed and easy to understand. Besides, nobody wants to be confused with their own handwriting when they have already got a handful of stuff to arrange in their hands. A better tip under this tip is that: prepare a list of the things that you want to have in the specific areas of your new home. For example, in your bedroom, jot down the things that you would like to keep, like: your most comfortable bed sheet, your pillow that has been with you since you were a baby, your eye mask, etc. For your kitchen: your favourite wok that could hold both few and many dished ingredients, your favourite mug, etc. Prepare a list that contains the areas of your new house and under that list, jot down all the things that you want to put in that area.
  2. Prepare your “moving equipment.” You will surely need lots of boxes to contain all your stuff. Be sure that you have enough boxes plus news papers, bubble wrap, tape, scissors and other stuff that will help keep your things secured and safe.
  3. Pack your things. The ultimate challenge starts here. With this, you can choose one of the two tips: pack according to the material or pack according to the place. The first one, pack according to material, suggests that you should pack your things according to the material that they are made from. For example, your mirror should be packed together with your mugs and other glass wares. On the other hand, packing according to the place, suggests that your mirror should be with your hair dryer, comb, etc. Simply because they all belong in the comfort room. Both approaches make sense. The choice is really up to you. Another thing to note: remember that you do not need to bring with you all of your things. The things that you do not need or use can be donated to charity. Besides, buying new pieces for your new house feels even more exciting.
  4. Label your boxes. Label each of your boxes on every side and on the top. This way, you wouldn’t have a hard time classifying each boxes and it would be easier for you to know where you will put them. Do not also forget to indicate which side is up.
  5. Pack your first two boxes. This is good to note: pack your first two boxes considering the first activity that you plan to do on your first day. However, the most practical things to pack on your first two boxes are your kitchenware and your bedroom materials. The reason why I suggest that you pack your kitchenware first is that, for you to be able to eat properly. The whole process of moving out or moving in is really tiring. Be sure that you will have a decent meal after all the muscle work. Secondly, you have to pack your bedroom materials first because it would be better for you if you can sleep comfortably on your first night. Your first night in your new will be the premise if you can comfortably stay in your new place on the next few days.
  6. Unpack box by box. Do not pack all at once. Having an unpleasant surrounding where your socks and shampoo and hairbrush and mugs are all in the same spot will make you feel stressed and tired. The sight can make you feel exasperated even if you don’t feel physically tired yet. Keep things in place and be organized.
  7. Bring with you a set of screw. In case you need something to repair, it’s good to know that you have a reliable set of screw with you.

I am quite sure that you won’t be able to replicate your old house. The challenging part after the moving and unpacking is the act of assuring yourself that you will be comfortable in your new place. When picking for a perfect place to move in, be sure that your choice will provide you great comfort and security. Besides, you will stay in that place for a long time. Make sure that your stay will be pleasant and fun.

Here are some pictures of the places which I find peaceful and pleasant to stay at:

These are pictures from Las Vegas Fine Homes. Shapiro and Sher Group, the team behind Las Vegas Fine Homes, is the benchmark of luxury Las Vegas Real Estate.

I hope that I have provided you useful tips for moving in or moving out. If you want a detailed checklist of what and which things to prepare, you may find this Moving Timeline by Martha Stewart checklist helpful.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for this I've been looking around for luxury homes for sale in San Diego, CA and this has given me some good insight on what to look for.
