Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The Luxury of $1 Million

By luck or out of hard work, you finally attained the societal standard of success: to have a stable amount of money locked up in a bank! Now, cheers to that. Hard earned money, according to some unseen humanistic law that governs us, is definitely harder to spend. The idea behind this is that you know too well the effort that one has to put before acquiring such amount and don’t want to end up sorry by wasting it to your heart’s desire. So: the next intelligent thing to do is keep them in a bank for future purposes.
However, spending a lot of money is one of those many questions that bugger men for a very long time now. The question of “what could you buy with this money” is as intriguing as “what would you buy” or “how would you spend [insert dollar amount here].”
As notorious as it is, I am trying to tease the idea of what could you buy if you have a million dollars to spend on just a single day and would you buy it? Since the US Congress is raising income taxes for those who are making $400, 000 (singles) and $450, 000 (couples) annually, I decided start on a million-dollar-shopping-spree which would eventually increase ($2million to, possibly, $100million) on my future posts. So let the list begin:

1.       Cars. Cars. Cars.
When you have the means to purchase such, luxurious cars are not hard to find. You can even buy ten Toyotas if that pleases you but will that satisfy the million-dollar-shopping-spree? Since you only have the entire day to waste away, the question left now is what would make a car super expensive? Well, if you still haven’t saw what Pagani Huayra or Jaguar C-X75 on any car shows, then you’re missing a lot of action. With both cars averaging on $1.1million, these cars speak volumes about dynamism, beauty and of course, style.

2.       Go bookish
Not all expensive things are deemed expensive because of their studded stones or intricate designs. No, the value of things weighs more than just that, believe me; some objects are so rare that it was decades ago when the public first saw it making it almost historical in its nature, like books. Though there are a lot of books that share this familiar idea, the variety of million-dollar books is very surprising and mostly, unknown to some. Lewis Carroll’s own copy of Alice’s Adventure in Wonderland costs about $1.54million. It is even the most expensive children’s book ever sold! But at least, it is the author’s original copy, right?

In terms of comic books, Action Comics # 1 is considered to be the Holy Grail of comic books. This comic was the first to introduce Superman publicly in 1938. Sold 15 years ago to a private civilian, the Action Comics #1 was hidden from the public since, though it is believed that there are 100 copies today.

3.       A luxurious space, I mean, house!
     If it isn’t the most logical thing to do if you have a million-dollar to spend, then what is? After reading a few responses on the internet forums, I noticed how people value the importance of having your own home, not just another house, and I really appreciate it. This only shows that people are growing more and more conscious of owning their personal space. Luckily, like cars, luxurious homes are not so hard to find for they are almost everywhere and, like books, its variety is astounding! If you plan to work in a city, a condo unit in One Queenridge Place would be more than enough to satisfy your real estate needs. It stretches as far as 2, 000ft that are beautifully ornamented. But if you prefer a house over a condo unit, this house in Spanish Hills would literally take your breath away. Elegant, timeless and tasteful, this real estate really speaks in volume.

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