Wednesday, July 10, 2013

To Sell or Not To Sell?

One of the biggest conflicts that civilians face right now in the industry of real estate is deciding whether buying a new house and selling their own at the same time is actually a good idea. Normally, buying OR selling takes about two to three months; if, however, you’re a apart of a real estate chain (you being the owner plus the real estate agent plus the appraiser etc.) the process is understandably longer than expected.

In the thin line that separates the buying and selling of a real estate property, there thrives a couple of reasons why buying and selling your house at the same time has both advantages and disadvantages.

   The cons.
1.   Let’s face it: not everything that you've expected or planned will come out just fine. Whether it is a promotion, a hobby that requires you to travel a lot, or simply whatever you desire, there are a couple of glitches that would surely ruin the entire system and make you wish you never left home. If you've sold the house before you left, well, technically speaking, that is bad news.
2. You bought a house in Summerlin. Then for whatever reason, The Ridges homes for sale suddenly showed up in the internet that made you want to move again. If you’re lucky, the owner whose house you just bought would let you leave peacefully with little trouble. If that happens, where would you stay then? Big trouble, huh?

                   The Pros.
1. Excitement. Come on, though you may not admit it, one of the primary aspect of moving to a new place is the opportunity to start anew. New friends, new school and new workmates all equate on your expanding social circle. Wouldn't that be great, meeting other people outside your own?

2. Not only you’ll be intoxicated by the excitement, moving to a new place enables you to mold the interiors of the house to your own desire! Your old house may have prevented you in doing so but guess what, even while you’re still hunting for the house of your dream, you can try to visualize every single detail that you wish to see while decorating it.

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